I think by now we've all seen the pictures on facebook of the "McNugget paste" and we SHOULD realize how bad all the processed food out the is for us. The question is: what are we doing about it? So I pose one VERY simple question.
"Can you name at least (1) ingredient in your family dinner tonight that will come from your garden?" It can be as easy as fresh-cut Basil mixed into your spaghetti sauce. Anything will do folks and it certainly counts as better then nothing! "
I am sure that some of the plethora of scarlet runner beans will be included with dinner, possibly some of the herbs and or peppers, home grown onions and garlic. I am finally glad to see someone moving past bashing the fast food and trying to motivate people to do something constructive to promote change.
well, I *just* planted my fall garden with the help of some great kids! So for me, yes, it will be a little basil and rosemary. Soon it will be wonderfully delicious greens, beans, broccoli and cabbage.